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  • Writer's pictureKumeshni Sandrasagren

The Knowing Doing Gap

“Research is seeing what everybody else has seen and thinking what nobody else has thought.”

- Albert Szent-Györgyi

The Knowing Doing Gap is all about the knowledge we have and how we implement our know how in what we’re doing. What we know in our head and what is coming out from our hands could be different and that is the gap we want to address. The way we learn is critical. This process does not have follow a sequencing order but it makes us look clearly at our objectives and the possibilities of achieving them.

In the movie, ‘Pirates of the Carribean’, captain Jack Sparrow says ‘The problem is not a problem. The problem is your attitude about this problem. Do you understand?’. That is something to think about in interior design projects. There are five reasons why there is a gap and these are as follows:

(1) Talking v/s Action: We end up talking rather than acting and doing things that will actually do the talking for us.

(2) Memory is a substitute for action: Precedents of the Past makes it harder for change to take place because expectations are higher.

(3) Fear prevents action: We have doubts and our assumptions cause our fear. What if we fail?

(4) Measurement obstructs good judgement: Measurements are flawed. It can’t be measured but we do need to evaluate issues and strategies.

(5) Internal Competition: When there is competition, there is innovation and motivation to achieve. However, sometimes we resist ourselves from helping others or sharing knowledge.

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